MITZVOT and MIDDOT: Why can't you have one without the other? ❦ Mussar Conversation #43
MITZVOT and MIDDOT: Why can't you have one without the other? ❦ Mussar Conversation #43
If God is an invisible consuming fire, how are we supposed to follow and cling to him? And if the answer is by walking after and cleaving to his do we do that?! God's character qualities may be the closest you'll come to seeing him in this world, but they're invisible too. THAT'S where the 613 mitzvot/commandments come in! The Hebrew word for middot also means garment–and just as your clothes are proportionately fitted to your body, and your own body is the garment of your soul, even so these physical commandments are the embodiment of the spiritual nature of God. By the time we're done this conversation you'll never see the 613 the same way again!